An Ode To The Seniors

Once the halls are gone of any trace of you, 
That's when I realize how much I miss you.
I always looked up to you.
You always made me laugh.
You always made me feel loved.
I would look across the gym at pep rallies, and you guys were always the loudest.
You'd scream at the top of your longs at football games,
And right now I can say next year it just won't be the same.
Oh, what a blessing and a curse it is to see you graduate.
To see a diploma within your grasp.
It seems like only months ago I walked through the school doors for the first time,
And you welcomed me as if I was anything but a freshmen.
But the clock keeps ticking,
And I'm running out of time.
Distance will keep on growing,
But you'll always be on mind.

Getting older comes at a price,
You see yourself mature at the expense of another life passing you by.
Those older than you won't stop getting older,
Those younger than you won't stay that young forever.
I know you're excited.
I know you're scared.
But please, oh seniors, don't forget about me while you're there.
You've changed me, you've made me who I am.
What a shame it would be if you actually never cared.

The halls almost seem haunted, like you were never here.
Was it all a distant daydream?
I hope not. It can't be.
I'm sorry I never said goodbye,
And I'm sorry that an a hug can never truly travel via text, 
But just know I'm always with you, and guess what? I'm graduating next.

Love always,
