
ETSU Wesley Foundation

Wesley has been an integral part of my college experience. I joined Wesley in August 2017 when my friend Hallie encouraged me to start going to services with her. 

I remembered being a senior and high school and I would call her and she would tell me about sitting in an all-glass window building working on homework by herself. Or she would tell my about the freshman bible study in a cabin in the mountains. Or going on hikes with some really cool people that were older than her. During that time, I could remember envisioning myself as part of the group. I could tell how deeply invested she was in the program and I wanted to be a part of that.

I attended regularly my freshmen year and started going to Freshley. Freshley was a freshman and transfer bible study that met once a week in the fall. Through Freshley, I meet people like Hannah, Corey, Ben, Jonathan, Hannah Elliot, etc. This was a time of week where we shared our "happies and crappies" as Hallie used to say, talking about our highs and lows of the week. It was a time we got to know each other and connected with people our own age who were sharing in the same experiences we were. 

My first year some of the major things I participated in at Wesley included Divine Rhythm, the New York mission trip, and the Bristol race fundraiser.

Divine Rhythm was a worship retreat opportunity for our group to spend time getting to know each other while also attending breakout sessions and worshiping with musical guest. I think that DR my first year was a pivotal moment in my involvement at Wesley because it allowed me to bond with other Wesley members I didn't know quite as well. It was also just a lot of fun being in the area of Sevierville and getting to enjoy all that the area has to offer. 

Serving concession stand food at Bristol Motor Speedway was a unifying experience to say the least. Waking up at 4 a.m. just to be on our feet for over 12 hours to serve greasy food we didn't know how to make to unsatisfied NASCAR fans? Nothing like it. But one thing I did gain from this weekend is we all came out feeling much closer, having seen one another reach our breaking points and being there for each other.

The New York mission trip is still one that I consider almost like a dream to me. It was unreal in every way. The sights, the people, the environment. All of it. Sleeping in cots in a church surrounded by people I had become so close with was unforgettable. Walking the streets of NYC laughing, taking pictures with my friends. Ministering to people in one of the most iconic cities on Earth. Deep conversations on the subway. I'd do anything to go back and relive that. Some of these people from that trip are now distant, and I miss them. I miss that feeling. 

But as my first Wesley mission trip, it was unforgettable. In terms of any mission trip, it was unforgettable. 

My sophomore year (last year) is when I became more heavily involved in the leadership aspect of Wesley. I felt fully immersed and a part of the group. During my sophomore year, some of the activities I participated in at Wesley included going to Camp Dickenson, Wesley on Tour(s), and the mission trip to New Mexico.

For me, the strongest part of the Wesley Foundation is the fellowship. It is a group of people who are not only present on Tuesday nights, but also want to spend time outside of classes together. We all want to be there for each other and be a part of each other's lives. We are a faith community. We are a student community. 

I can't tell you enough how much this organization has shaped and changed me. It has helped me develop leadership skills and branch out from my comfort zone. I am so lucky to have one more year at least to be a part of this ministry and I hope to continue to be able to share God's love with others and grow in my relationship with Christ and others along the way. I am so blessed to be at ETSU and have the people in my life that I do.
