A New Semester, A New (Snow) Day
Around this time last night, I was just hoping there was some way we would get out of school. There was only a little bit of snow that had fallen, and you could still the dead grass peeking through the white that was covering the ground. I went to bed with this in mind.
Usually when I think we might get out, while I am sleeping I intently listen to hear the phone ringing at the early hours of the morning. That's a sign that school is closed. But, there was no phone call this morning. In fact, our cable, phone, and wifi was out all morning so even if they did call we would have never received word. I reluctantly rolled out of bed at 6:30 a.m. because if we weren't closed by then, I knew it was too late. I packed a bag of sour cream and onion chips, some Hawaiian rolls, and a water in my lunch- I wasn't very interested in exerting much effort today.
Once we got to school the parking lot was COVERED in snow!
Okay, maybe not covered, but there was definitely snow in the parking lot and that made it hard for many to find or get to their parking spots. It was below twenty degrees outside, so normally when it's that cold the school goes ahead and opens the doors to students who arrive early. We went inside and stood in the commons for a while, then I proceeded to meet the rest of my friends in the cafeteria before first block. Oh yeah, did I mention this is our first day back to school since before Christmas? Amazing. Luckily, I already knew where my first block was located since all of my siblings were taught by this teacher, Mr. Seal, at some point in high school. I walked towards the end of the hallway and he shook my hand, called me by name, and welcomed me into his AP Government class.
First block was the only semi-normal class I got to attend today. I took a seat behind my friend Grace, with Haley behind me, and many other senior friends surrounding me. Class was disrupted when one of the students raised her hand and asked Mr. Seal if she could make an announcement. She glanced at her phone then told the class that according to Wilson County School's official Twitter account, we would be dismissed from school at 12:30 p.m. This was news to all of us, and Mr. Seal even ran over to his desk to check his email, wondering if he had officially received word of this. Only moments afterward, Mr. Brown came over the intercom breaking the news of the early departure himself, The student body was prompted to switch to second block within a minute of his announcement.
Finding my second block was a disaster. We weren't given printed off schedules, so I had to rely on the one I was given online that didn't have any room numbers listed on it. I didn't know where I was going or who to talk to, so I searched until I just gave up. I asked one of the principals who was standing in front of the spiral staircase on the B floor, and she pulled up my account on Skyward to point me in the right direction. By the time I got in there most every seat was filled so I just sat down next to a stranger who only talked to me when she asked what time we would be leaving that class. I was only in that class for about fifteen minutes before I got called down to be dismissed due to the inclement weather. My family didn't want us to deal with the hazardous conditions of the road while everyone was released from school, so we signed out through the office and went home.
What can I say? I mean, I guess I sort of got the snow day I wanted, minus the sleeping in. But I took a nap a little bit later. I am thankful for more time to rest and prepare for my last semester of high school. It's not going to be easy, but I hope to make the best of it.
After all, who doesn't love a good challenge?
Love always,
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