Pre-Mission Trip Thoughts

This time last year I was in a van with my youth group on our way to Cincinnati, Ohio. Last year I embarked on my first senior high mission trip that wasn't to Marks, Mississippi, and I was scared of how it was going to go. It was my first mission trip without Matt Sands as our youth pastor. I remember receiving word that we were going somewhere new and being crushed knowing that we would be leaving behind this community we'd grown so close to over the past couple of summers.

Some things have changed since last summer; Matt Reynolds is now our youth pastor and we'll be heading off to Charleston at the end of the week with a organization we've never done trips through. Many of the people who went last year and on most of the trips I went on before that won't be returning because there wasn't enough spots for college students as well.

When I tell people that we're going on a mission trip, most people assume it's international. They have a strange look on their face when I mention we're going to Charleston. And before you ask- no, this isn't a vacation disguised as a mission trip. Just because we're going somewhere with a beach that does not diminish the value of the work we are doing to serve Christ. People everywhere need to see and know God's love.

I pray that this coming week, those eighth graders who are going on their first senior high mission trip feel included. I pray that they feel welcomed and loved despite being younger.
I pray that any feuds, grudges, or misleading thoughts are thrown out of the minds of the youth as we spend all of this time together.
I pray that our focus remains on God and changing the lives of others in His glory.
I pray that our lives are also changed. Each year I know for me at least I come home after that "mountaintop" experience energized but that same energy is lost as time progress. I want it to stick.
I pray that those who have never been a part of the youth group or maybe haven't come in a while see their value and this trip ignites or reignites that interest.
I pray that broken hearts are healed and friendships are formed or made stronger.
I pray for peace, laughter, and positivity.

I know this trip will be unforgettable, I just know it.
I need to finish packing.
I can't wait for what God's got in store.

Love always,
