An Open Letter to the Class of 2018
Last year I hated to say goodbye to the Class of 2016, but now I can't let the Class of 2018 go.
I don't even know where to start. Some of you I have grown up alongside, others of you I only had the pleasure of getting to know this year. And some of you I never got the chance to meet. Although I might have been a year older than you, I never felt like that interfered with how we interacted with each other. As a matter of fact, often times I felt like the younger one because you all towered over me!
There was that one year where you all were in middle school while we were at the high school. I feel like that's what next year's going to be like, but worse. I'm going to miss so many of you. You all were the ones who made my day, who made my senior year and whole high school career what it was. Whether it was making me feel included at theatre rehearsals, making me laugh during Vocal Ensemble, providing help for me in classes, or following me on photography missions for Yearbook, my life just won't be the same without you. Everywhere I turned, there was a junior there making my life better. What am I going to do when I look around and you're no longer there?
Although I don't know you all by name, just know you all are in my heart forever. I hate goodbyes, and I know this is not one, but I just wanted to write this as a thank-you for this class of upcoming seniors. You all are such a gifted, incredible, and kind class who is going to accomplish big things in the future. You guys are now the top dogs of the school. Don't take this next school year for granted, because it flies by. Take pictures with everyone, and don't be afraid to cherish every little moment. It'll be the start of the many "lasts" you'll experience-- choir concerts, first day of school, last day of school, pep rallies, etc.. Get your senior pictures taken, stay on top of your work, but enjoy yourself. Senior year was the best year I had by far yet it only can be amazing if that's what you make of it.
I will look at you all post things from the next school year and remember what it was like when I experienced that. My heart will break. I will wish more than anything to be there with you, and I can't. Soon you'll probably move on and forget about our class, but I know I'll do my best not to forget about you. I will miss seeing you faces around every corner at school, in the classroom, and in the mornings when I talk to you in the cafeteria. The memories we shared these past couple years have been incredible. Next year, make me proud. I know I don't even need to ask that because you already do. Make an even better yearbook, do even better at state festival, and put on the best spring musical yet. Be leaders to the underclassmen, but also learn from them. Don't let being a senior go to your head. Don't let the thoughts of college lurking in your mind discourage you; you're gonna be okay. I hope to see you when I come to visit for concerts, dress rehearsals, and shows. You KNOW I will have my camera in hand. May you have a great summer, a great life, and I'll see you around. There are many, many, more words I could say but I'm too busy getting emotional to type them. I love you guys.
Love always,
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