Why I Love VBS
This past week I spent my seventh year as a volunteer at my church's VBS, and I cannot stress to you how important and rewarding I think it is to be actively involved in church camps and activities such as that. For the past couple of years I have followed a group of children up since they were in second grade-- now they're going into sixth. I've watched these kids grow up and it's absolutely amazing how each year they come back and still remember your name and everything about you as if time didn't even pass. Some of them have started taking on volunteer roles themselves, which blows my mind.
Anyway, each year the three things I look forward to the most during the summer are VBS, WAM Camp, and mission trip. I hold these events close to my heart, because I have grown so close to those involved and they provide different things for me emotionally and spiritually. VBS offers insight into the lives of these young children and allows me to take a break from the "real" and serious world problems I'm surrounded with at home or see on my TV or phone. Especially this year, when I took on the role of a photographer, I got the opportunity to interact with numerous age groups and adults. On Saturday and Sunday before that week, two deadly shootings happened in Orlando, and my heart was heavy and it was hard for me to even believe if their was still hope for humanity. As I witnessed little kids sing with their tiny voices and dance with all the energy that they possess, how could I help but smile? How could I help but feel God's love radiating from them? They would cling to my leg, or wave at me like a friend. I went from room to room each day and look for the most interesting photos to take, but sometimes I would just have to sit down and listen to whatever was being said or what was happening and just spend time with the children.
You also don't know how much of an impact you make on the people you work with during that time. VBS could be the only time they experience anything in a church, and your love and appreciation probably means more to them than you could ever imagine. As one of my youth leaders said last week, before a child can recall a story or craft from VBS, they will remember you. You will be something that sticks with them if you put your whole heart into it.
I don't really know what I'm saying except rambling, but I just wanted to get across something. Volunteer. Help people. Do something. Please. Show others the love that you hope to receive, because with each passing day it seems that we are losing sight of that important aspect of life. VBS and other church camps might seem like a lot of work with the planning, set-up, waking up early, and taking it all down, but it creates unforgettable memories for the children involved and helps the church to reach out to more individuals. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't have volunteered for like 6 years, or attended it as a participant every year I could.
Love always,
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